A Little Sun in the Long, Hard Winter
Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be, then do this: Put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift–a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts and almonds. Gen 43:11 NIV
This March marks one year since nationwide lockdowns due to Covid were put in place, and it’s not news to you that much of life has changed. Segments of society have been bearing the brunt of the suffering, and almost everyone is ready to be done with the Pandemic and the fallout. Unfortunately, there is a ways to go (but with some light in the tunnel).
At the Mission, we have continued to visit cargo ships and oil tankers that are visiting Boston and Providence. The crew on these vessels are more fatigued than you and I, having been detained onboard for the entire length of their contract and the pandemic. They have had to rely on ship visitors from maritime ministries in each port for company and care. Chaplain Peckham and I have engaged in these gangway visits, bringing the crew what they need and checking in on them for issues and prayer concerns they may have.

We have been blessed with the donation of several hundred Gift Bags from our churches, individuals and donations. Coming aboard with the gift bags immediately de-stresses the situation onboard. As I boarded a ship last week, I had all my safety gear on (Helmet, ugly yellow safety jacket, ID) on and when I reached the top of the gangway, the stares from crew towards me was stern. When I announced who I was (“the chaplain”) and where I was from (“Seamans Mission”) and what I had for the crew (“the gift bags”), the frowns turned to smiles. Help was here. I am not a fan of the cold weather at all, but standing on the deck, in the “brisk” wind on the Boston waterfront, I soon forgot about the cold and engaged in warm conversations with the crew.
Through these visits we have heard stories from home, shared encouragement and prayers with them and restored some “normalcy” if only for a brief few minutes. Thank you for your part in helping us to stay in contact with these brave and tired women and men onboard the ships we visit.
(Abraham said) “Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way–now that you have come to your servant.” “Very well,” they answered, “do as you say.” Gen 18:5