
“All this is spoken, says Jesus, ‘so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves.’ There is no joy like that of ministering in the name of Jesus Christ – just as there is no sorrow like that of ministering in the name of Jesus Christ. The two go together, as joy and sorrow do in real life; …My friends, make this prayer your own in the days to come, so that if anyone wants to know who you really are, they should find the room with the prayer desk and realize they’ve tumbled upon the secret.
And, of course, part of the good news of Jesus is that with him the Temple has been turned inside out. The inner sanctum, the Holy of Holies – the place where Christ is in you as the hope of glory, the place where heaven and earth meet in sacrificial love and glorious new creation – is now out on the street,”
– N. T. Wright
In the months ahead, we will be posting prayers needs – specific prayer needs – from our ministry to the women and men who work on the ships we visit. Please covenant with us and pray for these people, that God might be revealed, His love and mercy known, His justice done.
- Seafarers as they work in cold and dangerous conditions during winter months.
- Chaplain visits to area churches as they share the story of NESM.
- Our Chaplains – Steve, Ashley, and our ship visitors – Bob and Dennis. Pray that they may bring the Good News on board each vessel they visit. Pray that God brings the seafarers hope and encouragement, as well as the joy of the Gospel.
- Pray for the strength of the Mission – for our vision, outreach and resources. Our God is able to provide all our needs!